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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:50 pm

davidll1984 wrote:Never use 2stroke oil that is Not made To mix wit alcools nitro gaz use like wit ipone and klotz benol castor oil dont use oil contaning détergent no thecniplate oil no 100% sintetique oil just pur castor oil its Not Good the engine tink wil run hot and dont mix like normal gaz engine dont count oil in nitro fuel is les than 10% of the mix after 50 50 gaz To nitro fuel just use it like is no oil after mix use like 1\3 of the mix oil     50ml nitro 50 ml gaz 50 ml oil plus aditive for the cemical réaction like 3 table spoon of the clotz nitro kl_600 sur that tink is chance To work no spi sub piston induction or presure from tuned pipe gaz is Not stable like nitro wit heat and sparks

oke its hard to read what you write but I will try my best
because all fuel here in holland is E10 or E5 all 2 stroke oils will mix with alcohol
2nd I dont use alcohol when runing my engines on gasoline its strait up 2 stroke oil and gas
as for the hot running it doesnt make any diference between oils
I have used pure castor in the beginning and it made a mega mess
the temp is also the same as with the 2 stroke oli I use

even my rc diesels I run with a mix of 50 castor 50 normal 2 stroke oil
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:31 pm

Yes mix oil Not just pure castor or pure sintec oil and y préfère use klotz benol and in Canada gaz use litle antifreeze alredy in for winter y tink To make cox engine run nitro fuel is needed To help engine burn the gaz no gain in power tink To me just Good way of saving $$ Not using just nitro fuel if it work with m'y cox engine y wil save lot $$ as y use them almost every day for m'y larger .60 engine eatch time y use cost lot $$ in nitro fuel y wil try wit m'y old super tiger .60 from vidéo y se on YouTube look like just gaz wit 2stroke oil work just fine wit larger engine using pipe witout presurised the tank wit
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  gkamysz Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:14 pm

The G5 plug is not a four stroke plug. OS used it in the GGT-10 and 15. OS didn't never offered a four stroke for gas glow.

Just like compression ratio is optimized for glow and methanol/nitromethane, the same must be done for G5 glow and gasoline. I tried the G5 with an OS FS-120S with a Walbro carb a few years ago. It ran on the G5 plug, but only made full power with plug heat. I haven't gotten around to compression ratio.

If blending castor in gasoline, it will probably need to be a product made for engines. Even then, it will drop out of solution at low temperatures as warned on the bottle. Some oils will blend with both alcohol and petroleum, others only one or the other. Verify what you're buying, most 2T oils at the store will be gas only. If you have few options and must blend your own fuel, check specs sheet for viscosity and use only high viscosity oils. Most "racing" oils will have high viscosity.

David are you aware that Klotz product is not nitormethane? It's a mixture of nitropropane, toluene, and petroleum distillates.

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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sat Jan 16, 2021 7:26 pm

Yes y no that klotz nitro its Not fuel y use as cemical bond To mix m'y 30% nitro fuel To gazoline ok one more time y explain sory m'y bad translation u just repeat exact same y try To explain ok lets start from the beginning u wil want for cox engine To work use mix of nitro fuel no différence the nitro % wit gazoline mix To 50 50 after mix nitro fuel wit gaz oil from nitro fuel wil just separate between now u want To create new cemical bond between al the new component in the fuel u nead To ad binder create cemical link  in the fuel hard To explain if use klotz kl_600 it wil work its possible To use difrent stuf like gaz Line antifreeze exept no gain of power try wit just 2 3 table spoon of that stuf in mix look  like 50 ml nitro fuel 50ml  gaz 50ml oil like for dieselised cox engine we Not talk of larger engine just for cox engine using gaz dont use spi wit gaz it wil Not help y wil try m'y self soon as y dont have the plug right now y have just made litle fuel gaz mix To try the cemical réaction m'y gaz is clear no white haze cloud in m'y mix now how ur fuel look like Cool What? Wink m'y look Perfect clear after day after day can chake no fome no color just clear gaz y s
wonder how u made fuel stabilisation To hapen without link binder for wat y no on the subject To make Good gaz for model engine u nead Premium matériel Not junk from the drug store est ce n'est pa parce que je parle mal anglais que sa doit vouloir dire que je ne suit pa instruit sur le sujet j'ai de grande connaissance des produits de pétrochimie pa de diplôme mest j'ai fait plusieurs test avec difrent produits il y'a bien des années alors que je courrait avec un cr 250r modifier ce mix je l'ai fait y'a de ça des années pour faire un test qui a très bien fonctionner m'aime trop bien que plus jamais j'ai essayer trop puisant le ralenti très peu efficace le carburateur lent à réduire le régime du moteur peux importe les ajustements apporter honnêtement je pensait pas refaire de ce mix un jour maintenant que j'ai une bonne raison je vais devoir l'utiliser à nouveau mais sans risque
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  gkamysz Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:03 pm

OK, using nitropropane as a cosolvent.
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:41 pm

Yes exact cosolvent it make non solube stuf disolve in the solution Not just disolve act like glue if u want To chain the molécules prevent the brake down of al its component and layers in the solution do search of base like if u mix no2 with c7h16 heptane wont act the same way u dont want maximum of c8h18( octane) u dont want To mutch of octane do cherche for nitro propane and its flash point clotz kl_ 600 dont contain just nitro propane is mutch more in the can than just one stuf som say its Not Good for model engine exempt if y réfère To the chart it work its possible To ad water To gasoline if wanted and is god and bad wat u tink of... is water can help provide little extra compression plus steam cleaning internal parts ... Huh... Wink
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:22 pm

Sory y have To précise by mix no2 y wanted To say vp fuel no2 question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Screen71
Not nitrogen dioxide lol tink its just litle To mutch for Most non pétrochimie freak lets keep it simple wit simple words
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Coxfledgling Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:38 am

Hi davidll1984,

Please don't bite my head off, I have no malice, but it's real difficult to follow your text,.

I do not mock or show any disrespect at all.

There is probably very good reason you text as you do. I will persevere.
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Coxfledgling Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:49 am

My apologies David, you are in Canada and speak fresh, maen ddrwg gen I, that's Welsh, Welsh Welsh, the land of dragons and song. It means I am sorry and apologise, my bad.
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:32 am

Yes sory m'y self dont want To be means m'y self sory for mix french wit english its hard To translation som time lol! Thumbs Up
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  gkamysz Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:36 am

The French translated by google was very easy to read.
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:40 pm

Test du carburant que je vous est expliqué san même utilisé une bougie os g5 le moteur a démarré très facilement de plus en plus persuadée que la bougie g5 va simplement amélioré la vitesse de ralentis à bas régime difficile de garder le moteur en marche j'ai essayer avec rc ring colet .. Sans spi un test avec spi dans les deux ca le moteur semble bien fonctionner une vidéo bientôt pour le démontré j'ai une plug cox que je dois finir de modifier pour adapter la os G5 sur la tête cox voici une photographie du suget du petit test loin daitre prêts j'ai m'aime pa changer la plaquette arrière back plate valve métal du moins lol! question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 16109110
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  robot797 Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:16 pm

you are still cheating your fuel has methanol in it
normal glow plugs work with metanol

the G5 is made for a gas oil mix
and not methanol
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  gkamysz Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:38 pm

There was(maybe is as a vintage class?) a glow control line racing event fairly popular in Australia. Range was an issue. So experimentation in the class lead to glow fuel with virtually all sorts of additives for range and power. Ethanol, gasoline, neat hydrocarbons...
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:23 pm

Y change cylinder use rc ring now se how low rpm y have very low rpm but the engine run like diesel ruff if y try To lean the mix if To mutch it stop tinking if the g5 plug wil help y tink y need lower compression y have chim cylinder now no spi wit two head gasket Huh... y have To try stuf tinking somting wrong wit the mix y wil change nitro content and try some aditive tiner like toluen Not sur
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:15 pm

Picturs of the engine befor deap cleaning litle rust removal piston cylinder crank polish

question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2046
question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2045
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:17 pm

question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2047
question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2048
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:19 pm

question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2051
question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2050
question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2052
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:24 pm

question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Img_2053
question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 16109410
The final result engine run Good redy for test wit gaz
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:33 pm

davidll1984 wrote:
The final result engine run Good redy for test wit gaz
Wow nice job David! Good luck with your tests!
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:50 pm

Y try wit two difrent prop 7x3 cox 6x3 and run almost the same rpm very near the engine run cold litle y hold engine in m'y hand and actuate rc ring wit m'y finger its Not To hot like wit nitro fuel the engine not runing its full potential now tink its wy stay cold like diesel engine run like dieselised cox engine?? Hope the g5 plug wil fix the trouble y want fast engine wel bit faster y tink the engine can still fly cl and wil run mutch longer
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  Lukemiester Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:52 pm

davidll1984 wrote:Y try wit two difrent prop 7x3 cox 6x3 and run almost the same rpm very near the engine run cold litle y hold engine in m'y hand and actuate rc ring wit m'y finger its Not To hot like wit nitro fuel the engine not runing its full potential now tink its wy stay cold like diesel engine run like dieselised cox engine?? Hope the g5 plug wil fix the trouble y want fast engine wel bit faster y tink the engine can still fly cl and wil run mutch longer

Was it 100% gas or a mix?
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:04 pm

Using os no8 wit the mix y made y have To Wait To Reciver the g5 To try 100% gasoline exept y dont tink cox wil run wit just gasoline y wil have To try
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:16 pm

Not sur if its pré ignition engine run ruf like if using diesels wit glow plug if u have try its sound like tink y choses the wrong botle in that one y have ether in mix wit the nitro difrent color y just remember y pour som ether its old cans y have in the garage wit oil gas fuel nitro fuel vp no2 and som difrent old experiment in difrent botle its possible y have made wrong mix wil try wit the Good one new botle y have in storage wit fresh gasoline tink y have To use super like 94 octane Not sur wil try difrent type tink of plane gas Huh...
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question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 Empty Re: question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug

Post  davidll1984 Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:02 pm

Starter To build new glow adapterquestion: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 16110010question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 16110011
question: gas powered cox or other 1/2a engines using the OS G5 plug - Page 2 16110011
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